晚安小短句调皮 可爱又撩人的晚安句子

热度:0鲜花:0鸡蛋:022年02月18日 02:30
Before going to bed, delete the little things that worry you today. I will help you hang the stars and moon. I wish you a good sleep. Good night!
My upper eyelid whispers to me that he wants to be with the lower eyelid, so, in order to fulfill them, I am going to sleep. Good night!

晚安小短句调皮 可爱又撩人的晚安句子

I want to take off a few stars to boil them into sweet syrup, and then give each of you a little bit, dip in good night to eat, do a sweet dream. Good night!
I have a beautiful wish, is one day you can personally say good night to me? B: yes, you can! Ok, you can kiss me first. Good night!