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[bl] [br] blue blush(脸红) breathe bright blow blow broad
[bl] [br] blue blush(脸红) breathe bright blow blow broadthis will blow your mind
this will blow your mind比如,blow, snow, blow 这本书主要练习 -o- 的发音
比如,blow, snow, blow 这本书主要练习 -o- 的发音new words   just [d  st] 就,刚才,只是   cow [ka   奶牛   blow
new words just [d st] 就,刚才,只是 cow [ka 奶牛 blow博采众长 实用 blow [bl  ]out he ___(make)   wish and ___(blow)
博采众长 实用 blow [bl ]out he ___(make) wish and ___(blow)