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今天的绘本是关于pancake race,用有道词典笔扫了一下,屏幕上显示了
今天的绘本是关于pancake race,用有道词典笔扫了一下,屏幕上显示了the pancake race! the frying pan, 煎锅, the pancake race!
the pancake race! the frying pan, 煎锅, the pancake race!the pancake race! the frying pan, 煎锅, the pancake race!
the pancake race! the frying pan, 煎锅, the pancake race!写美篇   在英国,煎饼节更有名的是别开生面的薄饼赛跑(pancake race)
写美篇 在英国,煎饼节更有名的是别开生面的薄饼赛跑(pancake race)牛津树阅读#pancake race 薄饼大赛_煎饼_pancake_植树节去哪玩_阅读
牛津树阅读#pancake race 薄饼大赛_煎饼_pancake_植树节去哪玩_阅读