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renal capsule,renalmedulla

两 部 分 两 个 极 血管球(glomerulus) 肾小囊(renal capsule) 血管
两 部 分 两 个 极 血管球(glomerulus) 肾小囊(renal capsule) 血管the blood-pressure-raising constituent of the suprarenal capsule
the blood-pressure-raising constituent of the suprarenal capsulethe reflected membrane of kidney or fibrous renal capsule not
the reflected membrane of kidney or fibrous renal capsule not膜 内 纤维囊 fibrors capsule 脂肪囊 adipose capsule 肾筋膜 renal
膜 内 纤维囊 fibrors capsule 脂肪囊 adipose capsule 肾筋膜 renalrenal capsule as a stem cell niche
renal capsule as a stem cell niche