首页 > 英式英语中groundfloor图片


on on the second floor the first floor on g the ground floor
on on the second floor the first floor on g the ground floor正解:英式英语里,first floor是二层,一层是ground floor.
正解:英式英语里,first floor是二层,一层是ground floor.澳大利亚和新西兰等英联邦国家"first floor"是二楼"ground floor
澳大利亚和新西兰等英联邦国家"first floor"是二楼"ground floor而且势不两立的英式英语和美式英语,也有旷日持久的ground floor和
而且势不两立的英式英语和美式英语,也有旷日持久的ground floor和the ground floor the first floor
the ground floor the first floor