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stand怎么读,stand up怎么读

stand up! sit down! teacher class 早上好! 起立! 坐下!
stand up! sit down! teacher class 早上好! 起立! 坐下!why can we stand on the earth without floating around?
why can we stand on the earth without floating around?let"s sing! (please stand up) 2.let"s play! (listen and point)
let's sing! (please stand up) 2.let's play! (listen and point)英语每日一词:【单口相声】怎么说?_stand
英语每日一词:【单口相声】怎么说?_stand读音类似stand. 明白,懂了.用英语怎么说,s开头的一个
读音类似stand. 明白,懂了.用英语怎么说,s开头的一个