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distal tubule,

nephron distal convoluted tubule (dct) actively secretes ions
nephron distal convoluted tubule (dct) actively secretes ions系统性红斑狼疮 dct; distal convoluted tubule ct: collecting tube
系统性红斑狼疮 dct; distal convoluted tubule ct: collecting tubecardiovascular effects of renal distal tubule deletion of the
cardiovascular effects of renal distal tubule deletion of theeffect of angiotensin ii on enac in the distal convoluted tubule
effect of angiotensin ii on enac in the distal convoluted tubulethe perfusate is typical of late distal tubule fluid (na   = 70
the perfusate is typical of late distal tubule fluid (na = 70