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the e3 ligase ospub15 interacts with the receptor
the e3 ligase ospub15 interacts with the receptorph0642 t4连接酶 t4 dna ligase 实验操作手册与方法
ph0642 t4连接酶 t4 dna ligase 实验操作手册与方法第四节:dna的复制——dna连接酶(dna ligase)
第四节:dna的复制——dna连接酶(dna ligase)赛默飞invitrogen15224-025t4 dna ligase (1 u/l),500units
赛默飞invitrogen15224-025t4 dna ligase (1 u/l),500unitsthe e3 ligase ospub15 interacts with the receptor
the e3 ligase ospub15 interacts with the receptor