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Boulder beach,venicebeach

penguin palace
penguin palacespot should be yonaha maehama beach, it has a shallow, boulder
spot should be yonaha maehama beach, it has a shallow, boulder黑珍珠沙滩(玄武岩砾石滩) boulder beach at mt.
黑珍珠沙滩(玄武岩砾石滩) boulder beach at mt.其它 天之涯,好望角 写美篇 出了西蒙镇便到了圆石滩(boulder"s beach
其它 天之涯,好望角 写美篇 出了西蒙镇便到了圆石滩(boulder's beachwhere tourists gather, you can see the sign of the boulder beach
where tourists gather, you can see the sign of the boulder beach