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top solder,topsolder

begin layer设置完成后,按照同样方式设置soldermask_top 注意选择
begin layer设置完成后,按照同样方式设置soldermask_top 注意选择10.top soldermask 设置
10.top soldermask 设置要想裸漏必须在添加top solder 或是bottom solder,如图: 向左转| 向
要想裸漏必须在添加top solder 或是bottom solder,如图: 向左转| 向过孔塞油之后,gerber里面的top solder和bottom solder层里面都不会
过孔塞油之后,gerber里面的top solder和bottom solder层里面都不会protect the back side from the corrosion and enhance the solder
protect the back side from the corrosion and enhance the solder