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toothed whale,grey whale

铲齿突吻鲸(spade-toothed beaked whales)第一次被发现是在1872年
铲齿突吻鲸(spade-toothed beaked whales)第一次被发现是在1872年鲸分为须鲸(baleen whale)和齿鲸(toothed whale)两类; 蓝鲸(blue
鲸分为须鲸(baleen whale)和齿鲸(toothed whale)两类; 蓝鲸(blueof the toothed whales, pilot whales hold the record of  beach
of the toothed whales, pilot whales hold the record of beachbaleen whales)和齿鲸亚目(suborder odontoceti,toothed whales)
baleen whales)和齿鲸亚目(suborder odontoceti,toothed whales)核心词汇 whales鲸鱼 toothed whales齿鲸 baleen whales须鲸blow
核心词汇 whales鲸鱼 toothed whales齿鲸 baleen whales须鲸blow