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turbot fish,FishBowl

( platichthys flesus flesus) substitution: halibut, sole, turbot
( platichthys flesus flesus) substitution: halibut, sole, turbot鉴定 大菱鲆的介绍答:大菱鲆属于硬骨鱼纲,鲽形目鲆科,英文名turbot
鉴定 大菱鲆的介绍答:大菱鲆属于硬骨鱼纲,鲽形目鲆科,英文名turbotfish id: 鲽形目-降维生存的二次元鱼
fish id: 鲽形目-降维生存的二次元鱼turbot white fish fillet in wild mushroom sauce with sauteed
turbot white fish fillet in wild mushroom sauce with sauteedturbot or scophthalmus maximus .
turbot or scophthalmus maximus .