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sherry turkle,sherry什么意思中文

自上世纪 70 年代起,sherry turkle 就已对人工智能与科学技术对人的
自上世纪 70 年代起,sherry turkle 就已对人工智能与科学技术对人的sherry turkle ted.doc
sherry turkle ted.docthe flight from conversation: an evening with sherry turkle
the flight from conversation: an evening with sherry turklemore from technology and less from each other (sherry turkle)
more from technology and less from each other (sherry turkle)重拾交谈 (美)雪莉·特克尔(sherry turkle) 著;王晋,边若溪,赵岭 译
重拾交谈 (美)雪莉·特克尔(sherry turkle) 著;王晋,边若溪,赵岭 译