首页 > thump my chest

thump my chest,wriggle my hips

hands 手 (clap my hands 拍手)  chest 胸部(thump my chest 捶胸)
hands 手 (clap my hands 拍手) chest 胸部(thump my chest 捶胸)i can do it! i am a gorilla and i thump my chest.
i can do it! i am a gorilla and i thump my chest.i can do it! 我能做到! i am a gorilla and i thump my chest.
i can do it! 我能做到! i am a gorilla and i thump my chest.抖肩膀),hands 手 (clap my hands 拍手),chest 胸部 (thump my chest
抖肩膀),hands 手 (clap my hands 拍手),chest 胸部 (thump my chestthump and plunk 6.oh, cats!   7.splish, splash! 8.sid and sam 9.
thump and plunk 6.oh, cats! 7.splish, splash! 8.sid and sam 9.