首页 > thump my chest

thump my chest,wriggle my hips

这里有拍掌(clap my hands)的海豹, 捶胸(thump my chest)的大猩猩
这里有拍掌(clap my hands)的海豹, 捶胸(thump my chest)的大猩猩thump! thump! thump!tony! jenny! what are you doing?
thump! thump! thump!tony! jenny! what are you doing?thump and plunk 6.oh, cats!   7.splish, splash! 8.sid and sam 9.
thump and plunk 6.oh, cats! 7.splish, splash! 8.sid and sam 9.hands 手 (clap my hands 拍手)  chest 胸部(thump my chest 捶胸)
hands 手 (clap my hands 拍手) chest 胸部(thump my chest 捶胸)"and the thump-thumps are thumping in my chest.
"and the thump-thumps are thumping in my chest.